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How do I order Soil Sampling & Testing for TerraSiteRx® maps?


To place an order, contact one of the following: 

  1. Your Ag Retailer

  2. Your Crop Consultant

  3. The A&L Labs Customer Care Team at or call toll free: 1-(855)-837-8347


What soil test package is used?


View soil tests available on the A&L Canada Laboratories website:


The number of map layers delivered depends on the soil test package selected - the more test parameters, the more layers


Should you sample grid or zone? And at what density?


  1. Grid (Site Specific): Standard grid or "Smart grid" uses site-specific locations to collect multiple soil samples throughout the field. Your field will be divided into 1 ac, 2.5 ac, or 5 ac grid pattern, and a separate soil sample will be collected from each grid point. Grid Sampling is beneficial to determine fertility at specific points within the field.

  2. Zone: Zones are created based on historical yield data, UAV, or soil imagery. The data is analyzed based in the unique characteristics of the soil. We are offering 2.5 ac, 5 ac, or 10 ac zones. Once the zones are created, several samples will be collected from each zone and combined together as one sample per zone. Zone sampling allows the grower to learn more about the fertility in specific zones within the field.

  3. Bulk (Composite): We arbitrarily divide the field into broad regions. Within each region, several soil samples are taken and combined together as one sample per region. We are offering 10 ac, 25 ac, and 50 ac. Bulk sampling is beneficial to determine the general fertility of each field.



How do I order a Flight for UAV Imagery for Soil Sampling + UAV Imagery?


The trusted team at Deveron 


Who collects my imagery?


The trusted team at Deveron 


Where do my soil samples go for testing and analysis?


The trusted team at A&L Canada Laboratories 



Can I use my soil data with other precision agriculture platforms?


Yes, your soil data can be transferred to other platforms such as Climate FieldView, AgVerdict, AgVance - work with your ag retailer or consultant to use on TerraSiteRx®


How much do the TerraSiteRx® Algorithm packages cost?


Site specific soil sampling clients can take advantage of free, no obligation access to the TerraSiteRx® platform for the remainder of the 2023 season - updated pricing will be determined in early 2024.


UAV Flight Imagery is required for the TerraSiteRx® Algorithms - this is an additional cost


Flight data can be used for several analyses in addition to the TerraSiteRx® Algorithms













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